Krzysztof Wesołowski, Prof.

Krzysztof Wesołowski, Prof.
Full Professor

Tel.:+ 48 616653812
E-mail:krzysztof.wesolowski (at)
Consultations:Friday 13:30 - 15:00

Krzysztof Wesołowski has been employed in the Institute of Electronics and Telecommunications since 1976. In 1999 he became a Full Professor in telecommunications. In his scientific activity he specializes in digital wireline and wireless communication systems, information and coding theory and DSP applications in digital communications. He is the author or co-author of more than 100 scientific publications including the following books: "Systemy radiokomunikacji ruchomej" (in Polish, Wydawnictwa Komunikacji i Łączności, Warszawa, 1998, 1999, 2003), translated into English as "Mobile Communication Systems", John Wiley & Sons, Chichester 2003, "Sistiemy podvizhnoy radiosvyazi", Hotline Telecom, Moscow, 2006 (Russian translation of the Polish and English edition), "Podstawy cyfrowych systemów telekomunikacyjnych" (in Polish, Wydawnictwa Komunikacji i Łączności, Warszawa 2003), "Introduction to Digital Communication Systems" - extended and updated version of its Polish predecessor, published by John Wiley & Sons, Chichester 2009. He published his results in such journals as IEEE Transactions on Communications, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technologies, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Ad Hoc Networks, IEE Proceedings, European Transactions on Telecommunications, EURASIP Journal of Wireless Communications and Networking, Entropy, IEEE Access, and Electronics Letters.

Professor Krzysztof Wesołowski was the leader of the PUT team involved in a few EU scientific projects such as: 5FP WIND-FLEX (2000-2003) "Wireless Indoor High-rate Modem Architectures", 6FP Integrated Projects WINNER I and WINNER II "World Wireless Initiative New Radio" (2004-2007), EUREKA project VIPNet "VDSL Technology for Improved Performance in the Access Network" and CELTIC/EUREKA WINNER+. He participated in FP6 Network of Excellence in Wireless Communications (NEWCOM) and in the FP7 METIS project entitled "Mobile and wireless communications Enablers for Twenty-twenty (2020) Information Society". His team also worked on a few scientific projects devoted to several aspects of digital communication systems funded by Polish Ministry of Science. A part of his team participated in a large national project entitled "Future Internet Engineering" (within Operational Program Innovative Economy). His scientific team cooperated closely with Nokia Bell Labs, Wroclaw Division and some other industrial partners. Professor Wesołowski was a Postdoctoral Fulbright Scholar at Northeastern University, Boston, in 1982-83 and a Postdoctoral Alexander von Humboldt Scholar at the University of Kaiserslautern, Germany, (1989-1900). In the Winter Semester 1991 he worked at the University of Kaiserslautern as a Visiting Professor (C-2) funded by DAAD Konrad Zuse Program. Professor Wesołowski was a supervisor of thirteen doctoral theses and currently supervises four other theses. Currently Professor Wesolowski is the member of Council of the Scientific Excellence, the institution evaluating, among others, applications for habilitation (Doctor of Science) and professorial degrees.